Tamira Maira Fioravante

+55 (11) 4550-5017

Lawyer graduated from Universidade de São Paulo (USP, 2003), she holds a master’s degree (2007) and a doctorate degree (2011) in Labor Law from the same University. She is an expert in Organizational Behavior from Harvard University (2022).

She has more than 20 years of experience advising clients in complex labor and employment issues. She focuses her practice in non-contentious matters, besides advising clients in the review of their labor routines, including hiring and termination procedures, compensation policy and implementing codes of conduct. She has assisted several clients in numerous collective bargaining procedures aiming at implementing specific work conditions for the clients’ employees.

She has also a wide expertise in representing clients in investigations carried out by labour authorities, such as the Brazilian Ministry of Labor (MTE) and the Public Labor Prosecutor (MPT).

Furthermore, she assists clients in procedures related to the international transfer of employees, including the application for work permits and the registration of the foreign worker with the Federal Police.

She is a member of the Lawyers Institute of São Paulo (Instituto dos Advogados de São Paulo – IASP).